Monday, January 4, 2010

It's January....and Julie & Julia

Ok, so it's January 4th and the kids are back to school, and I soon will follow.  What to do in my few short days left before everything gets back to "routine"...?  Many of my friends are posting about detoxing, decluttering, and dieting.  I could use all 3 of those! lol~  So here are a couple things I'm going to put at the top of my to do list for the next 7 days:

1.  cut out hot coco!  My one true vice! I drink it all year long, which explaines why I've gained so much weight!
2.  orgnize all my cs.  Man!  Don't know if 7 days is enough time!  Any tips on how to orgnize 12x12's?
3.  Take down all my trees.  Yes all 8 or 9 of them...I've lost count and bought 2 more at the Target 75% off sale~! GEEZZZZZ!
4.  Do the MoJoMonday sketch
5.  Do the Sweetest Thing Sunday Sketch...which isnt up yet so that can be moved further down the list lol~
6.  Use the eliptical, though I HATE IT, for 15minutes twice a day.  I can do that! Right?
And finally
 #7. stick to the  list!

I watched Julie & Julia and like many, could totally relate to starting something and never finishing it.  The last think I actuall started with purpose and finished was my BFA in 2006.  One of my most proud moments in life (right up there with my babies & hubby).  I have set out for a much larger goal for the next 3 years of my life, my MFA, ED.  And while the above list is small and confined to 7 days, the movie made me realize I need smaller goals that are easier to acheive.  I can use those success, or failures, to help me take the next steps to the bigger picture. 

And I like Julie in her blog, wonder if there is anyone out there in blog land.  I'm sure there is, as I have fav blogs I frequent. So, if you stop and visit, leave me a note.  Let me know about your successes and failures in life and cs orgnization lol~  You, like me, are not alone! ;)

Winks & Wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Christie,
    I have organized my papers. Finding 12 x 12 containers is hard but I converted my large file cabinet into a 12x12. You can get the dividers and I labeled them as to the color. My DSP papers are divided into seasons/occassions. However it did take me more than 7 days to get it all done. And I have to keep at it.


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